We did well this week easing back into our usual routine. Monday, Daniel stayed home with Dad, who was still off work. Tuesday (New Year's Day) was a fun family hangout time, and we took our first tandem/trailer ride in our new neighborhood. It was short (but sweet)... Daniel chatted happily to us the entire time. Friday was Daniel's belated 9-month doctor's appointment. He's officially 21 pounds and 29 1/2 inches. He got 1 shot and was found to have 2 ear infections! He's on medication now, which he takes like a champ. How were we to know, when he's his normal happy, good-sleeper, good-eater self?!? Sunday (when all of today's pics were taken) was a great day for new things! Daniel stood alone for about 7 full seconds; later he actually took 2 steps before smiling and sitting down. Both Mom and Dad saw him and cheered! He also waved and said "bye-bye." We continue to immensely enjoy watching Daniel grow and learn by leaps and bounds!!